Mood: celebratory
Now Playing: Canto Alla Vita - Josh Groban
This is probably the 12th incarnation of this website. I hope it's the last because I tire of moving and reformatting text. I got to manipulate some CSS parameters. Could someone tell me how to get the background not to change colors when I hover over a table element (see Contact page).
If you've been following this site from its beginning, you'll probably notice I came full circle with the book theme. It's back. The original was done with frames, and of myown design. This free theme set is much nicer, thanks to DemusDesign.
Eventually, I'll have all the furniture moved into place. Right now, things are a bit bare. I'll be moving the photos into a web album, and I hope to move the movie files and audiobook page that are on the Geocities server, into themed pages that match the main site. The Articles need an overhaul. The Screen page needs to include his TV credits (e.g. Six Degrees).