Mood: a-ok
Now Playing: The Inner Light Suite
That's the flute and piano version, but I'm listening to the orchestral version. What in tarnation is the Inner Light Suite, you may not be asking? The Inner Light, as episodic TV, is a tearjerker of a tale of a man who, in short, falls asleep and has a most vivid dream about living a whole other life, experiencing the span of love to marriage to children. The expanded soundtrack to this episode is poignant, bordering on falling-on-one's-sword morose. I believe the correct phrase would be "haunting melody."
The series is Star Trek, the Next Generation. The man is Captain Jean Luc Picard. The story is that he gets "attacked" by a sort of space probe, that infuses him with memories of a race long gone. You have to see it, to feel it. This is classic Star Trek. Another aside, the original Ressikan flute that doth touched Picard's own lips, sold for about 40 grand at Christie's auction. Holy non-functioning blowing instrument, Batman! Them Trekkers got deep pockets! Okay, I may have flute envy.
The post title:"Crunchy Flakes". I was rereading my entry of 2 September, and thinking, "Well, who tossed nails in her cornflakes that day"? Did I come across as that caustic? Must have been that darned alternative rock soundtrack.
Enough of salad, onto to the meat. I'm sure most of you fans are looking forward to C's "The Atheist." If critics are to be believed, it looks to be a winner. To paraphrase Sally Field, "They like him, they really, really like him!"
Sorry, no new developments on the Companion front. I've been alternately woolgathering and working on my Youtube video. It's not as tedious once I acquired the correct toolsets. And I discovered a trick of tweaking memory usage under Moviemaker, which has not only speeded up the load time, but it hasn't frozen up at all, when I added clips and transitions.
A bunch of MovieMaker tips from Papajohn
Here's the anti-freeze one:
"Control Panel > System > Advanced tab > Performance > Settings > Advanced tab > change Processor scheduling from Programs to Background services, and Memory usage from Programs to System cache. The computer needs to be rebooted to activate these changes."
I am indebted to PapaJohn for all his tips and his sample Transitions.
The point of this post? Apology for no new updates, and a little view into what's been occupying hobby time.