Lasciate ogne speranza
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Better than sliced bread

More geek talk.

I've been using really archaic tools for site design. Watching everyone power saw their way to building web pages, while I'm sitting here with my piddly hand saw.  It's about time I've joined them. I've been using freebie html composers. Well I get what I paid for it. Nada. 

I just learned to make a template in Dreamweaver.

Thanks to a ten minute Youtube tutorial: 

Big sigh. I wasted all those years struggling with updating nav bars on mulltiple pages,  for nuthin'.  Dreamweaver  and Frontpage had this stuff built in.  One click on the template, and all linked pages are updated. What a beautiful feature ... it's just like watching a sunset. Sniff. 

Posted by cscompanion at 7:58 PM EDT

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